What’s New?

*new* album has JUST been unleashed !!



Featured Photographs

*NEW* Flickr page !! : https://www.flickr.com/photos/riggypix/


One of my pix is now an ALBUM COVER! healingmuses.org/store
My photos appear in an article about this wonderful ranch: Djerassi

Special Appearances

I played concertina on “Urge for Going” in this new recording of songs from Canadian songwriters by exquisite California singer Kate Price.

Duet with David Grisman on Stan Wells’ “Hello” on his CD, High Tide

Nauticas—Sweet Music of the Salt Sea

Instrumental versions of Sea Songs and Chanteys

This unique album was recorded 15 years ago by Neil Young in Canyon and recently re-mastered by Toby Seeger in Davis. Nauticas is Peter Kasin on fiddle, Riggy Rackin on concertina, Shay Black on guitar and keyboard, and Dick Holdstock on mandolin and bouzouki.

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Here’s our rich sound sample: