*New* album just unleashed !

An album of (mostly) American country songs, tailored for English audiences. I sing and play tenor English Concertina, while Rebecca Richman floats fiddle, Henry Nagle slings all sorts of guitars and Jerry Wimmer bottoms-out on the bass. Then I moved the project to Derek Bianchi’s Muscletone Studio in Berkeley, where Ray Bierl added his sublime fiddle and Sean Allen his oh-so-tasteful telly.

“A couple of years ago my English friend Chris complained that all my recordings had bands playing along and choruses singing harmonies and didn’t have what I presented at the London folk clubs: simple, well-chosen and relatively unfamiliar folksongs, with sparse concertina accompaniment. Hopefully he and others with similar tastes will enjoy this new one.”
Simple short sample

Somewhere in Between
“When Riggy pulls out his concertina, the room gets quiet, and people perk up and pay attention. Riggy looks authentic. He looks like one of those guys who sits in the back of the general store or the forecastle of a ship and spits tobacco juice on the floor, but people put up with him because he can sing. And sing he does.” —Joe Offer, Mudcat Cafe
Nautical, Pastoral & Pub Song
“This CD was a long time coming, as he has sung these songs for many years at folk clubs and festivals. He accompanies himself on English concertina and has double-tracked his voice for the chorus songs.” —Chanteyranger, Mudcat Cafe

Search Hills and Valleys Through
In 2000, Riggy took a surprising direction and produced his first CD with a collection of shape-note, seaman’s mission, and Eastern European sacred songs.
Contact Riggy to purchase his recordings.